The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’
Matthew 25:40 (NASB)
Our congregation at Harbor Christian Church supports four Christian based missions.
If at any time you would like to know more about these missions, you can click on the mission names and it will direct you to their organizations websites.
The Pregnancy Medical Clinic is committed to providing their patients with evidence-based education about both prenatal development and abortion. They assist women by helping them carry their babies to term by providing emotional support and practical assistance.

Intermountain Christian Camp's mission is to glorify God by providing: biblical teaching, christian disciplining, and opportunities to experience Christ. They are located in Fairfield, ID and offer a variety of different learning opportunities to people of all ages.

Boise Bible College
Boise Bible College has for the past 75 years been training new ministers to go out into the world and spread the gospel. Through the time spent at their college the students learn to minister to people, provide discipleship and rely on a life of prayer.

Director Charlotte Barkley heads this mission. She has worked in missions over 40 years. In 1995 she began focusing on the Persecuted Church in Sudan and surrounding countries. The Bush Telegraph Africa Mission builds indigenous churches, schools, clinics and homes for the underprivileged. They also repair and drill wells. They minister to widows, orphans, cripples, refugees, street kids, child soldiers, abused women, the elderly, and HIV/AIDS patients. They teach pastors, Bible college students, children, youths, and adults. They ship food and relief supplies to refugee camps, remote villages, slums, orphanages, clinics, churches and Bible schools. They also are working with the Pygmy tribes in this region. Bush Telegraph teams minister in many parts of Africa including the most-distressed war zones and famine regions: South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Congo. Additional projects in Zambia, Nigeria, and Tanzania are pending. They also conduct short term missions.

Join the mission
If you would like to make a contribution to help these awesome organizations you can click below to go to our giving page and leaving a memo along with your contribution.