Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from My mouth and give them warning from Me. ...
Ezekiel 33:7
Outreach Ministry Statement:
The mission of the Harbor Christian Outreach Ministry is to connect our community with the Gospel of Jesus and to disciple our members in sharing it.
Our outreach is done out of love for people in the hope of their salvation. If someone’s house is on fire but they are asleep, they need someone to wake them up. That is the state a lot of people are in spiritually simply because they don’t have a clear understanding of the Gospel. In both cases, they are destined for the flames unless they hear the warning of God and acting on it.
Our intention is not to persuade anyone to join our church or believe any denominational doctrines – the truth of God stands on its own merit and has plentiful proof in scripture, science, nature, history, philosophical reasoning, literary criticism of the Bible, prophesy and personal experience. And the Gospel is the only truth which can save us from Hell. However, following the example of Jesus; if someone does not want to hear the Gospel, we leave them in peace.
But the truth needs to be told and the world needs to hear it. Our outreach program is our piece of it, and with the same calling as the watchman on the wall (Ezekiel 33); we are calling others to be saved from the impending doom. In the Judgment, we will all be judged by God’s standard, not by how we judge ourselves. We have all sinned and will be judged for those sins – only by how we respond to the Gospel of Jesus can we be saved. Let’s get the Word out!
The mission of the Harbor Christian Outreach Ministry is to connect our community with the Gospel of Jesus and to disciple our members in sharing it.
Our outreach is done out of love for people in the hope of their salvation. If someone’s house is on fire but they are asleep, they need someone to wake them up. That is the state a lot of people are in spiritually simply because they don’t have a clear understanding of the Gospel. In both cases, they are destined for the flames unless they hear the warning of God and acting on it.
Our intention is not to persuade anyone to join our church or believe any denominational doctrines – the truth of God stands on its own merit and has plentiful proof in scripture, science, nature, history, philosophical reasoning, literary criticism of the Bible, prophesy and personal experience. And the Gospel is the only truth which can save us from Hell. However, following the example of Jesus; if someone does not want to hear the Gospel, we leave them in peace.
But the truth needs to be told and the world needs to hear it. Our outreach program is our piece of it, and with the same calling as the watchman on the wall (Ezekiel 33); we are calling others to be saved from the impending doom. In the Judgment, we will all be judged by God’s standard, not by how we judge ourselves. We have all sinned and will be judged for those sins – only by how we respond to the Gospel of Jesus can we be saved. Let’s get the Word out!

Sunday Mornings
Please join us to study at Sunday School at 10 am
and worship with us at 11 am.
and worship with us at 11 am.